Landmark Spark Sponsors

A special thank you to all of our sponsors who make Landmark Spark possible.
*As of May 10, 2024, this page reflects sponsorship contributions.
It does not include event, in-kind donations, gifts, and purchases.

Underwriting Sponsor
Jill & Dan Ahern

Platinum Sponsors 
Bruce & Ann Christensen • Julie & Doug Craven • Rick & Mary DesLauriers
David & Patricia Drew • Fire Suppression Services Midwest • 
Mary McMahon & Alan Geiwitz
Deirdre & Mark Palmer •Tom Paul •
Roshan & Jennifer Rajkumar

Gold Sponsors
The Baron Family • Thomas Dolphin & Ellen Beecher • Dan & Carol Frenning
Andrea & Ken Hjelm • Ron & Lori Hume • Susan & David Link


Supporting The Basilica Landmark restoration honors the history and plans for the future of The Basilica.
